Greetings from The Void: Simple Samhain Practices
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash.
Slipping Through the Veil, Imperfectly
This autumn season has been one for the books. For several weeks now I’ve been wrapped in a cocoon of magic and mystery. Grief and gratitude. Longing and belonging.
It’s been an intense time of introspection, healing, and possibilities… a place I’m not eager to step out of just yet. But this morning I got the nudge to poke my head out of the cave for a couple minutes to share a spark of the Samhain season.
As a kid I always loved Halloween, but it wasn’t until well into adulthood that I began to understand the ancient roots buried beneath the costumes, scary movies, and mountains of candy. Turns out this season holds a vast and deep well of soul food that I'd been reaching for... without consciously knowing just what I'd been missing.
In the Celtic wheel of the year, the end of October is the threshold from one year to the next. And this day, October 31st, represents the crossing. No-year. The in-between. The void.
I’m really drawn to this idea of a pause. Of actually stopping between one thing and the next—to rest, reflect, grieve and give thanks. A moment where the clock stops ticking so I can slow down and catch my breath.
Over the last few years, it’s felt right for me to start shifting some of the internal energy and momentum of my “New Year’s” rituals and reflections from December to October. But we know that really big boats don’t turn quickly, and in this case I’ve got 50 years of associations and cultural conditioning to contend with as I make the move!
As I fumble my way through this ancient threshold over the days ahead, I’ll be taking it slow. No lofty expectations. Just setting aside a little time to connect with myself, reflect on the lessons of the year, and set intentions for the winter season.
If you’d like to join me in the process, here’s a few things I’m trying on!
To really allow The Pause to sink into my mind, heart, and nervous system I scheduled a reiki session for this afternoon. I’m giving myself the gift of receiving care and loving support from my gifted friend and healer, Kathryn Schwarz.
I spent time in meditation this morning, greeting my ancestors and listening for anything they wished to share with me. If you’d like a super-short primer on ancestor reverence, with some simple practices you can use to honor your roots I invite you to check out my blog Connecting with The Ancestors.
Cooking is one of my love languages, so I decided to treat myself… and my ancestors… to a modern riff on a traditional Samhain meal this evening. I’ll be making the Irish dish Colcannon for the first time– wish me luck!
It doesn’t look too tricky BUT I’m notoriously terrible at boiling potatoes. Which I find hilarious because practically every branch of my family tree is deeply rooted in mother Ireland. I think I might actually be MADE of potatoes. (Also: boiling a potato is seriously an easy thing to do. And I just can’t master it!)
And yes, I’ll be setting out a plate for the ancestors tonight!
I really love the tarot card spread that Lindsay Mack shared with her Tarot for the Wild Soul community today. If you work with tarot or oracle cards, you could try it out. And if you’re not into the cards, the questions also work beautifully as journal prompts! And if you enjoy podcasts, check out her new episode: MONTHLY MEDICINE: November is Preparing to Receive
Lindsay Mack’s Samhuinn As Spiral Tarot Spread
1. What am I clearing, releasing, and transmuting at this time?
2. How can I tend to myself through this process?
3. What am I being invited to celebrate and honor at this time?
4. What (if any) resistance might I have to this?
5. An Anchor Card that is here to hold and support me through this spiralic threshold?
Artistic expression
I’ll be spending a little time this evening reading one of my favorite poet-mystics, John O'Donohue. And perhaps if I’m feeling feisty, I’ll bust out the colored pencils and make a bit of art myself!
I’ll close with his words, along with this wish: May the mysteries contained in this change of season hold you in all the ways that will support you best.
For A New Beginning
John O’Donohue
In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
Where your thoughts never think to wander,
This beginning has been quietly forming,
Waiting until you were ready to emerge.
For a long time it has watched your desire,
Feeling the emptiness growing inside you,
Noticing how you willed yourself on,
Still unable to leave what you had outgrown.
It watched you play with the seduction of safety
And the gray promises that sameness whispered,
Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,
Wondered would you always live like this.
Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
And out you stepped onto new ground,
Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
A path of plenitude opening before you.
Though your destination is not yet clear
You can trust the promise of this opening;
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with your life's desire.
Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.
Yearning for support on your path?
If you’d like some soul companions to walk beside you as you explore new ways of seeing and being, I encourage you to check out my Celtic Wheel of the Year course. It’s a voyage of discovery, where we’re looking at ways that ancient wisdom traditions can apply to contemporary life. Or if you’re more drawn toward a self-guided inward journey, you can sign up for my newsletter below to get a spark of inspriation delivered directly to your in-box each month!