I'm Scared... But Gonna Do It Anyway

It’s true that I’ve gotten better at facing my fears than I used to be. But no matter how many times I push at the edges of my comfort zone, that feeling of being utterly naked as I bushwack into new terrain never really goes away.

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Chris Clark
Imbolc: Shining Light In Dark Places

Feel like the howling inner winter might never end? Here’s a collection of soulful resources to call upon as seeds of possibilty are taking root. This is how we germinate new life in the dark: by cooking the compost first.

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Chris Clark
Greetings from The Void: Simple Samhain Practices

In the Celtic wheel of the year, the end of October is the threshold from one year to the next. It’s a crossing that contains a void. October 31 as the space in-between. No Year. I’m really drawn to this idea of a pause! If you are too, here are a few practices for stopping between one thing and the next—to rest, reflect, grieve and give thanks.

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Chris Clark
Beyond Fear: How I’m Reclaiming My Power

The headlines from the U.S. Supreme Court this week have rattled my cage. But the truth is that ongoing attacks on women’s dignity, freedom, and autonomy aren’t big news. Nor is oppression, violence, dominance, and abuse of power. Let’s look at how we transform the fear and anger into a source of energy we can use.

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Rituals, FearChris Clark
I'm Not Going Back to "How Things Were" - Are You?

As we collectively stumble our way through another round of “the world opening back up,” I’ve been reflecting on what it means to consciously emerge. To transition from one state of being to another. To experience the pandemic times as a ceremony, a Rite of Passage for the soul.

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Chris Clark
How To Create A Sacred Year-End Retreat

While the period between Christmas and New Year can feel like a funky in-between time, I’ve chosen to transform this liminal space into a magic cave. Find out what resources I use for reflection at year-end, and how you can create a sacred retreat… anytime.

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Chris Clark