What an old tattoo is revealing to me about the nature of shame, perfectionism, courage and growth.
Read More9,000 miles. 2 continents. 30 beds (or more). Here’s what a year of radical disruption has taught me (so far… the game’s not over yet!)
Read MoreWhat happens when we walk through strange new doorways? Let’s talk about the magic that’s unleashed when we say yes to possibility… and the courage required to step outside our comfort zone and try something new.
Read MoreSometimes we have to get really uncomfortable before things get comfortable again. And like a snake, it’s time to slough off some dead skin.
Read MoreIt’s true that I’ve gotten better at facing my fears than I used to be. But no matter how many times I push at the edges of my comfort zone, that feeling of being utterly naked as I bushwack into new terrain never really goes away.
Read MoreWhat happens when you plant a seed of possibility… even when the dream you’re holding might seem impossible.
Read MoreFeel like the howling inner winter might never end? Here’s a collection of soulful resources to call upon as seeds of possibilty are taking root. This is how we germinate new life in the dark: by cooking the compost first.
Read MoreResources to close out 2022 and call in new possibilities
Read MoreIn the Celtic wheel of the year, the end of October is the threshold from one year to the next. It’s a crossing that contains a void. October 31 as the space in-between. No Year. I’m really drawn to this idea of a pause! If you are too, here are a few practices for stopping between one thing and the next—to rest, reflect, grieve and give thanks.
Read MoreA simple energetic practice for unbinding yourself from situations and relationships that are depleting you.
Read MoreGrappling with fear, self-doubt and shame as a leader. Let’s talk turkey about what really happens when we get triggered, and strategies for invoking conscious use of power - in life and leadership!
Read MoreInjustice shows us where there's an absence of love in the world. It also points to where our hearts are most needed.
Read MoreThe headlines from the U.S. Supreme Court this week have rattled my cage. But the truth is that ongoing attacks on women’s dignity, freedom, and autonomy aren’t big news. Nor is oppression, violence, dominance, and abuse of power. Let’s look at how we transform the fear and anger into a source of energy we can use.
Read MoreAs we collectively stumble our way through another round of “the world opening back up,” I’ve been reflecting on what it means to consciously emerge. To transition from one state of being to another. To experience the pandemic times as a ceremony, a Rite of Passage for the soul.
Read MoreWhen you get really clear about an outcome that you want, and then vividly paint that picture in your mind, you prime the brain to find it.
Read MoreEagle is an ally that we can call upon when we’re hoping to expand our perspective, vision into the future, or build momentum toward achieving our goals.
Read MoreStrategies for bridging the gap between where you are, and where you’d like to be.
Read MoreWhile the period between Christmas and New Year can feel like a funky in-between time, I’ve chosen to transform this liminal space into a magic cave. Find out what resources I use for reflection at year-end, and how you can create a sacred retreat… anytime.
Read MoreHow do we infuse a sense of the sacred into everyday life... and why might we want to?
Read MoreWhether you believe in spirits or not, there’s something meaningful to be said about honoring the dead.
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