3 years ago this month, I signed up for a funky little class at a local yoga studio lead by a shamanic practitioner. “What’s THAT?”, I wondered. Little did I know, the decision to walk through that threshold would change my life.
Read MoreFall always scrambles my senses. I like to believe that I love all the seasons equally, but it’s time to ‘fess up: I’ve got a mixed relationship with Autumn. I feel energized by the sharpness in the air, but it’s also the time of year when I’m most prone to ye olde melancholy. Here’s how I’m currently balancing that duality.
Read MoreThe full moon can be a powerful time to conduct simple rituals for completion and release. If you uncovered patterns or situations that you’re ready to let go of, why not make some magic with the moon?!
Read MoreThe Fall season is a portal for transformation. These months are an ideal time for contemplating what’s taken place over the year, harvesting its lessons, and letting go.
Read MoreIn 2018, Americans forfeited 768 million days of paid time off. We just gave it back and kept right on working, essentially "donating" our leisure time to “The Economy”. This is a problem, and not just for us as individuals. Here’s what we can do about it. (Pssst… it’s easier than you might think.)
Read MoreIn this slowing down, I remember things forgotten.
Read MoreThe other day, I was talking to my hubby Roy about a challenge I was grappling with, and I could viscerally feel his attention drifting. He’d arranged a “listening look” on his face—you know the one I’m talking about—but the guy was SO NOT present. We’ve all been there, am I right?
Read MoreWe all have sabotaging thoughts that we mistake as The Truth. Let’s explore how to spot those gremlins, and what to do once you’ve nailed one.
Read MoreIn May 2020, I took a wild leap of faith. But the fact of the matter is that it had been a long time coming.
Read MoreWhat the forest taught me about navigating crisis, solitude and grief.
Read MoreBe a lifeboat. Here’s how.
Read MoreThis year marks the 10th anniversary of my descent into the flames. What began as a traumatic unravelling ultimately changed the course of my life. From that initial headlong plunge into shock, grief, and rage, I chose to be reborn.
Read MoreWhat does it mean to open your heart all the way? To embrace the grief and the joy, the suffering and the possibilities of being human? And how can we possibly do it when it feels like we’re barely keeping our heads above water from one day to the next?
Read MoreThis year, let’s ditch the resolutions and cultivate our capacity to dream instead.
Read MoreIn its shadow and light, the Hierophant archetype is inviting us to examine the truths we hold sacred.
Read MoreI’ve long been inspired by nature’s call to go inward at this time of year, and this collection of annual winter practices help to reinforce my well-being and expansion.
Read MoreThe day Tex stepped off the trailer ramp and into my world was one of the happiest moments of my life. At 44 years old, I’d finally done it — I’d bought a horse.
Read MoreLearning to fly doesn’t come with a manual. Building the life you are meant for takes perseverance. Patience. Risk. Shifting old perspectives, habits, and beliefs that no longer serve you. Tapping into your intuition, decoding the messages from your soul.
Read MoreI got where I am in the most practical way imaginable. Study hard. Climb the ladder. Accumulate advanced degrees. Produce consistent results by grinding it out. Week by week: wash-rinse-repeat. I built a successful career and created a comfortable life for myself by following the rules of the game.
Read MoreThis is NOT how I thought my life would turn out.
Sound familiar?
It’s not just you. We’re lead to believe that if we follow a few simple rules, we’ll achieve success and happiness.
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